I have no grand pronunciations today, just some happiness. I finished up the last bits of my adventure for DC Gameday this weekend, and not a moment too soon. I have never put this much work into an adventure before, but I am glad that I did. I think the adventure should go smoothly, and everyone should have a good time. As well, since I used SuperNotecard for the planning, I should be able to whip it into a presentable shape with little effort. I would like to share it with everyone, so that is on the docket for early next week.
Speaking of adventures and such, I also need to give the same treatment to The Left Back Tooth of Sizzle Watts, the adventure I ran at GenCon. I ran it for Pathfinder, but it is properly supposed to be a Savage Worlds adventure since it takes place in the Grand Cavalcade, and the rest of Kage. I will likely just publish it for Pathfinder first, as adapting it to Savage Worlds would involve the same kind of work that I had to do for Now You’re Playing With Portals! I am not interested in diverting any more time away from the Undercity to do such an adaptation, so I will publish Sizzle Watts as-is.
That is all that I have to share today. Enjoy whatever you plan on doing this weekend. I know I will.